HB-E300-6 at Sakata 2019/9/9
HB-E300-6 (Uetsu Line 9873D the rapid "Kairi") at Kuwagawa 2019/12/21
the passenger cabin of HB-E300-6 (Uetsu Line 9873D the rapid "Kairi") 2019/12/22
the entrance of HB-E300-6 (Uetsu Line 9873D the rapid "Kairi") 2019/12/22
the lavatory of HB-E300-6 (Uetsu Line 9873D the rapid "Kairi") 2019/12/22
the bogie of HB-E300-6 (type DT75A) at Sakata 2019/9/9
the engine of HB-E300-6 (type DMF15HZB-G) at Sakata 2019/9/9