Kisei Line 326D KIHA486502+KIHA403306+KIHA403010 between Ouchiyama and Ise-Kashiwazaki 2009/5/1
Kisei Line 342D KIHA486502+KIHA485001+KIHA403010 at Shingu 2015/11/27
Kisei Line 326D KIHA486502+KIHA485001+KIHA403002between Oka and Taki 2015/11/28
KIHA486502 (Kisei Line 926D) at Ishinden 2015/2/13
the passenger cabin of KIHA486502 (Kisei Line 926D) 2014/12/30
the cooling unit of KIHA486502 (Kisei Line 948D) 2014/11/30
...KIHA485001+KIHA486502+KIHA403003... between Toko and Meiden-Chikko 2015/12/4
KIHA486502 at Nagoya port Oe Wharf 2015/12/4