Ishinomaki Line 1629D KIHA481514+KIHA48553 between Wakuya and Maeyachi 2009/8/14
the passenger cabin of KIHA481514 (Ishinomaki Line 1634D) 2015/5/29
Yangon Circular Line RBE25114+RBE25111+RBE25110+RBE25113+RBE25112 between Pazundaung and Yangon 2015/11/1
RBE25114 (Yangon Circular Line pa1) at Yangon 2017/4/29
RBE25114 (Yangon Circular Line gyi-11) at Paywetsatekon 2019/9/18
RBE25114 at Yangon 2015/11/1
the passenger cabin of RBE25114 2015/11/1
the cab of RBE25114 2015/11/1
This sticker shows that it is a gift from Japan. (RBE25114) 2015/11/1
the engine of RBE25114 (type DMF15HSA) 2018/12/17
the bogie of RBE25114 (type DT44A) 2018/12/17
the bogie of RBE25114 (type TR227A) 2018/12/17